April, 15th, 2019
Alors que c’est aujourd’hui le #WorldArtSay, l’une de ses plus belles manifestations est en train de partir en fumée. La charpente du coeur date du 13eme siècle avec des pièces du 9eme et 10eme. #NotreDame, courage. Notre Dame is eternal. It’s a beacon of absolute beauty, the heart of Paris, a natural emanation of its history, tradition, passions and genius.The cathedral’s rose windows are masterpieces of geometry, engineering, class making and cutting. They punctuate the north and south portals of the transept and the narthex façade over the west portal, its main entrance. The high altar with its pieta’s Descent from the Cross, (1723) by Nicolas Coustou rivals without shyness with Michelangelo’s Vatican Pieta. It’s a shining example of what human beings can achieve. To see Notre Dame is to feel proud to be human. No fire can destroy that. Mankind is fallible. Mankind has to sacrifice to create his marvels. But Mankind can hope in rebuilding. Mankind is love. “Chaque flot du temps superpose son alluvion, chaque race dépose sa couche sur le monument, chaque individu apporte sa pierre.” #VictorHugo, Notre Dame de Paris.
Ce soir, les flots du temps s’embrasent. #NotreDame
Notre-Dame, une fin d’après-midi is a painting by Henri Matisse from 1902. Its somber coloration is typical of Matisse’s works executed between the end of 1901 and the end of 1903, a period of personal difficulties for the artist. That’s how I want to remember Notre-Dame.
#NotreDame is #Paris. @NotreDame is #Humanity🙏
(at Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris)
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