Tokyo | IZIMA KAORU | Landscape With A Corpse

from top to bottom, left to right

Kojima Hijiri Yohji Yamamoto 1999 | Tomita Yasuko Prada 1997
Saeki Hinako Junya Watanabe 2000
Hasegawa Kyoko YSL Rive Gauche 2003 | Tominaga Ai Prada 2003 | Kuroki Meisa in GUCCI 2006
Kimura Yoshino in Alexander McQueen 2007 | Itaya Yuka Comme des Garcons 2002
Natsuki Mari Luisa Beccaria 2003
Sakai Maki Jil Sander 2008

You Are Beautiful

Since its birth, photography has been considered to be the magical medium which captures the truth. But everyone knows now that is only the past myth.

Historically, we have been pushing ourselves forward to realize our wish to be more beautiful, by make-up, shape-up, tattoo and cosmetic surgery.

In this age with the advanced digital technology, it looks as though we are still devoting ourselves to pursue the ideal beauty in the virtual image by using digital modification.

Is the truth so not worth looking at?

A thought occurred to me to photograph a human body by high-definition digital back and enlarge the image as large as possible without retouching.

I felt as though I was trying to find the smallest creature hiding in the vast field.

Moreover, by looking at people around me in such a point of view, they started to look so attractive, regardless of their age or gender.

I would like to pay my respects to my models, for understanding the nature of my experiment, which seems to counteract the trend and I would like to compliment on their being.

You Are Beautiful.

Izima Kaoru